
EXCLUSIVE | Ekpe Udoh: ”If I stay in Europe, my place will be Fenerbahçe!”

In your two seasons at Fenerbahçe, under Obradovic, you developed your game and became a passing option…

I wouldn’t say that I didn’t have that. It was always there, it was just not in the right situation, the right environment to bring all that out. It was there but the confidence he puts in me, the confidence he has in me has grown for me to step out a little bit more and try different things on the court. It’s been a great two years here.

In an interview, you said that you will retire here. Do you have clear plans of retirement?

I guess everybody has heard of that one (Laughing). If I’m in Europe, Fenerbahçe is where I’m at. After my next deal, it would probably be the end of my career, which is God’s willing, unless he wants me to continue playing but we just have to wait it out and see.

Well, we want to see you here for a long time. You are a great player. Considering your time in the NBA, is there something that you wish you had or hadn’t done?

I would just have been more aggressive, especially on the offensive end. Defensively I was there, blocking shots. Being aggressive in offense is huge; it opens stats up in that league. That’s one of the thing I didn’t do well. I accepted that and I moved on.

We know that last year, you chose to stay here, despite some interest from the NBA…

I didn’t turn down on any offers. They [Offers] didn’t come in. People were expecting. I was back here. I didn’t have an opportunity that put me where I could really show what I’ve been showing here.

Do you think that your track record affects those offers?

Possibly. I don’t know what is to go on there, in their mind. But they see me playing now and they see a different player so you know I just continue to work on myself. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t happen, I’m not gonna lose sleep on it.

”I’m not gonna lose sleep on it”


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