
EXCLUSIVE | Ekpe Udoh: ”If I stay in Europe, my place will be Fenerbahçe!”

In an interview, you said that you want to visit more schools and hospitals in Turkey and said that you would like to spend some time with kids…

Yeah, yeah man.

Do you have any social responsibility projects on your mind?

Not yet. I’m working on some stuff also back at home. The book club is something I’ve started also here as well; we are reading the Circle right now. It should be done this Friday but I’ll try to continue to grow that and work with a couple of foundations, they are involved with reading and pushing kids to be best that they can possibly be.

We are going to see that new social responsibility project on EuroAngle, right?

Yeah, EuroAngle is going to have it all. As we get, you know, it is my first year in blog. It has been fun. I’m gonna continue to add more content and different aspects of life, too.

So, “Ekpe’s Book Club” has been really popular among the fans?

Ehhh, a little. You know everybody is like “Yeah, yeah, let’s do it!” and then not many people actually participate. So it is different but I’m not gonna be mad about the ones who read and continue. I’m going to discuss with them on our desired dates and we are just gonna go from there and try to build. I know with this book [The Circle] movie is coming out. Hopefully the movie comes out in Turkey. I’ll go out to a theatre and have those members who stood with the book for four weeks and watch the movie and we go out to eat.

So, do you have any “Ekpe’s Book Advices” for us?

Man, read whatever you are interested in. You know, day to day. Right now, I’ve been reading history so I would say: Read the Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, it is quite a good book. I would say read the autobiography of Angela Davis, that’s another good one. I would say… what’s the Sabahattin Ali one?  What I’ve just read?

Kürk Mantolu Madonna (Madonna in a Fur Coat)

It was a good book. Whatever you feel like, you know, reading. I think it is important for everybody to read their history or to learn their history and to keep that dear to themselves.

…”Everybody to read their history or to learn their history”


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